Centering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to better lives and communities.
Organization & Institutional Workshops
EDIcation Workshops include tools that sustain and reinforce learning through dynamic engagement, presentation, and structured activities that encourage action. The objective of these workshops are to maximize the EDIcational capacities of your organization and assist you in elevating your organization to the next level with intentionality.
All workshops and services can be delivered in online and remote format to support your needs.
Introduction to Equity, diversity, and Inclusion
Introductory workshop where through interactive activities participants will engage with what is equity, diversity and inclusion and how they intersect to impact power dynamics across multiple settings and contexts.
The P Words: Power & Privilege
Interactive workshop where the interconnection between power and privilege is explored through intersectionality of identities. Strategies are also discussed about how to be an agent of social change at the micro and macro level.
Disrupting Deficit Thinking & Developing Critical Consciousness
Interactive workshop that explores the tenants of deficit thinking rooted in individualism and stereotypes and how to transition to strength-based approaches and practices that capitalize on identities and needs of communities through critical consciousness.
From Equality to Equity: Unconscious Bias, Stereotypes, and Discrimination
Interactive workshop that emphasizes the difference between equality and equity and the importance of being critically conscious of “blind spots” and complicity in perpetuating oppressive practices.
Empowering the Cultural Capital in your Organization
Interactive workshop that explores strategies and processes to facilitate creating community and cohesiveness within your organization and how to empower your members via intercultural awareness and sharing of lived experiences.
Censoring Toxic Language & Using Inclusive Language
Interactive workshop that seeks to create safe and inclusive working environments free from microaggressions rooted in toxic language.
Conflict Mediation & Resolution
Interactive workshop that explores effective approaches and strategies in conflict mediation and resolution to create equitable and inclusive environments that promote a sense of belonging.
EDI: Emotional Labour, Burnouts & Self-Care
Interactive workshop that explores holistic
health and the importance of self-care and self-loving in maintaining productivity and avoiding burn-out.
Creating Safe & Brave Spaces: Mitigating Microaggressions
Interactive workshop that explores how to create safe, supportive, and brave spaces free from micro-aggressions through sharing of multiple perspectives.
Developing an Equity Mindset: Organizational Goal-Setting & Teamwork
Interactive workshop rooted in team-building exercises that promotes collaboration and intentional SMART goal-setting to develop a growth-mindset rooted in EDIcational values.
Strategic Planning: Reporting Practices & Staff Training
Interactive workshop that guides and facilitates a strategic planning session with an intentional focus on improving reporting practices and staff training in your organization to align it with EDIcational values.
EDI & Transformational Leadership: Community of Learners
Interactive workshop that engages participants about the tenants of transformative leadership rooted in values of equity, diversity, and inclusion to create a community of learners where everyone has a role in reinforcing a positive and safe organizational culture.
Diversifying your Organization: People, Policies, and Practices-
Interactive workshop that explores how you can diversify and develop strengths in your organization via a holistic analysis of your organization’s staff, policies, and practices.
Resiliency: Overcoming Difficult & Destructive Situations
Interactive workshop that facilitates building resiliency to overcome difficult and destructive situations via the art of storytelling, reflection, and sharing of experiences.
Socio-Culturally Relevant and Responsive Approaches
Interactive workshop that centres through activities the importance of socio-culturally relevant and responsive approaches in creating an equitable culture that reflects the needs of various social groups, particularly groups that have historically been marginalized systemically.
(In)Equity in Sports
Interactive workshop that examines historical and on-going (in)equities in sports, and how sports can be used as a platform to challenge systemic inequities and promote inclusion and social justice at all levels.
Inclusion: From Theory & Practice
Interactive workshop that discusses the importance of inclusion as a safe space rooted in spatial power dynamics that promote belonging and how it can be implemented via daily actions, inactions, and reactions.
EDI Policy Realignment: SWOT ANALYSIS
Interactive workshop that collaboratively examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your organization to align policies with EDIcational values.
Decolonization & TRC Calls to Action: Self & the System
Interactive workshop that explores what is decolonization and how to implement equitable policies and practices that align with Truth and Reconciliation Commissions’ Calls to Action.
EDI & Mental Health: Healing & Hoping in Community
Interactive workshop that explores approaches and strategies to effective mental health and self-care as a means of facilitating healing and hoping as a community of learners via sharing of lived experiences.
If a topic of your interest is not listed, please reach out to us to discuss as we create custom packages to meet your organizational and institutional needs. That’s what equity is all about! We focus on creating content based on the intersectionality of the following topics: equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, human rights, displacement, anti oppression, anti-Black, anti-Muslim, and anti-Indigenous racism.